We made beer. At home! And it's ready to drink. Ok, really, B had done this many times before. And ok, yes, he really made it, I just poured things and took photos. And capped the bottles and stamped. (I'm a pretty awesome stamper. Skilled. I was born for it.) Ok, but see those bottles he was filling on the floor? Yeah when I took the photo of him showing me how to clamp the caps, I might or might not have (nope, definitely did) knock over two bottles. All in the name of photo.
Either way we made our own beer and that's pretty rockin'. And guys, I think this is just really rad. We sampled the brews last night while playing Sheepshead. It could have a little bit more flavor, but otherwise it's pretty great.
Any awesome plans for the weekend? I have another rather packed one ahead. Hopefully I'll remember to take some photos for you. ;)
Happy Friday!
Haha! It was pretty clumsy. YES! You should. :)