Monday, September 30, 2013

Doors Open Milwaukee -- Churches

After visiting the Milwaukee Ballet building R and I went on over to the Basilica of St. Josaphat on the south side.
The building was humungous.
The photos really don't do it justice. 
It was a church that reminded us very much of the ones we would visit in Latin America. The ceiling was something that I could stare at all day long and those stained glass windows...

We even tried to sneak up to the balcony -- sadly it was locked. 

Later on that day we went to The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. 
The inside was much more modern as they had just remodeled a few years ago. There is also an impressive dual pipe organ. 

The thing that is the most amazing about the Cathedral is that they reach out to the community a whole lot. Every Wednesday at noon there is a music concert for the public. It's at lunch hour so that someone working on downtown can head on over for their lunch break.
They also provide over 200 meals a day to the needy.
The church is not very big, but it reflects the name. Reaching out to the people in the community to help them and serve the Lord.

Other Doors Open MKE posts.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Doors Open Milwaukee -- Milwaukee Ballet

Last weekend RenĂ©e and I tromped around the city for Doors Open Milwaukee.

It is such an sweet event that happens one weekend a year where 100s of different companies/organizations will open up their buildings for the public. You get to see all of the behind the scenes areas for different groups in Milwaukee.

It was such an amazing experience to finally explore all of these amazing places that I have always seen while growing up here in MKE.
I have many photos so I'm splitting up the DOM locations into different posts.

Just stretchin' out.

It only took us forever...

The first place we went to was the Milwaukee Ballet building.
They took us on a tour of all of the offices and studios. 

Now get this--the building houses both dance companies and the school plus all of the offices.
Including Michael Pink's office--which we saw.
He's the creative big deal.

As R and I walked around we just kept picturing ourselves in a real life version of Center Stage. OK, I know it is probably nothing really like that, but, come on, it's a great movie. 

We also got to see their costume shop. The company makes ALL of their own costumes, by hand. Get this, it takes them 40 hours to make a classic pancake tutu.


After exploring the land of plies and pointe we shimmied our way off to the next destination.
Stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Neighborhood -- Wauwatosa Farmers' Market

I finally made it to the Farmer's Market in my neighborhood! 

For weeks I had been getting up bright and early on Saturday mornings throwing on some kicks, grabbing my satchel, and running out to the market. I couldn't wait to get my hands on some fresh produce. I would walk down to the market and there would be nothing there.


I swore that the market didn't exist. This went on for weeks. Really.

Turns out I was going to the wrong part of State Street the whole time.

Anyways...I MADE IT! I bought beans and bread. 
And they're delicious.

More The Neighborhood posts.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Glo Little Glo Run

On Saturday night my friends and I did a 5k called The Glo Run. We dressed in bright neons and black and had our faces painted. We wore the awesome glow necklaces and glasses.

After the run we hung around for a glow dance party then went back to Sarah's and had pizza and beer. :)
Here's a Vine of us running through one of the Energy Worlds during the race.

We're thinking our next one will be the Run for Your Lives Zombie Run. It looks a little terrifying.
I might actually have to train for that one.

Past races.